Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
Announcements about school delays, closures, or NTI weather days are announced via email, phone call, and text message, as well as on social media, the district website, and local media outlets.
Schools will send Chromebooks home with students each day through February to ensure that students are prepared for an NTI weather day. Please charge your child’s Chromebook each evening and return it to school the next day along with the charger. You can request that the Chromebook not be sent home with your child if they have access to a computer at home. Please let you teacher know if you would rather use your home computer.
Please take a moment to update your contact information and communication preferences in Infinite Campus so that you receive notifications about winter weather. Visit for more information.
Students will be assigned work in reading and math through Google Classroom. Please contact your child’s teacher through Class Dojo or use their class Google Meets/Zoom link during their office hours from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. if you need help accessing Google Classroom.
All work on NTI days will be a review of previous learning.
Students can work asynchronously, at their own pace, on the NTI assignments during the day.
Teachers will not be providing live instruction on NTI days.
Teachers will be available through Google Meets/Zoom to assist students during their NTI office hours from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. Your child’s teacher will share the Google Meets/Zoom link with you. If not, please contact them through Class Dojo for the link.
Students who are unable to complete their work on an NTI weather day because of power outages or other issues will have three school days after returning to school to complete and submit missed assignments in order to be counted as participating.
Help Desk: (859) 381-HELP (4357)